
  • Precision satellite geolocation explored at ESTIA
  • Precision satellite geolocation explored at ESTIA
  • Precision satellite geolocation explored at ESTIA
  • Precision satellite geolocation explored at ESTIA
  • Precision satellite geolocation explored at ESTIA

Precision satellite geolocation explored at ESTIA

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1st Edition of the Round-Tables discussions on Satellite-based Precision Geolocation

At the end of 2018, TERIA, in partnership with ESTIA, organised the first edition of round-tables discussions dedicated to satellite-based precision geolocation. This landmark event took place at the ESTIA Institute of Technology in Bidart, a renowned engineering school located on the Basque Coast.

Initiated by TERIA, the event was designed to meet a growing need for collaboration and innovation between the various players in the market. It provided a unique platform for consolidating interactions and strengthening the partnerships needed to develop tomorrow’s technologies.

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