
  • Satellite positioning GNSS, GPS, GALILEO… How does it work?
  • Satellite positioning GNSS, GPS, GALILEO… How does it work?
  • Satellite positioning GNSS, GPS, GALILEO… How does it work?
  • Satellite positioning GNSS, GPS, GALILEO… How does it work?
  • Satellite positioning GNSS, GPS, GALILEO… How does it work?

Satellite positioning GNSS, GPS, GALILEO… How does it work?

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GNSS satellite positioning is part of everyone’s daily life. It is used in a wide variety of applications, but little is known about how it works.
But how does it work?

How it works in 3 steps :
4 satellites for 1 precise position

Step 1 - The satellites serve as reference points.

The nominal operational constellations GPS, GALILEO, GLONASS, BEIDOU, etc. are made up of several dozen satellites flying at an altitude of over 20,000 km in orbits that are evenly distributed to cover all the continents.

Thanks to this coverage, users can see between five and thirty-five satellites simultaneously, depending on their position on the Earth.

Each constellation is monitored and controlled by control stations that update the information (positions, ephemerides and clock corrections) of all the satellites. The satellites then broadcast their parameters to Earth using electromagnetic waves carrying coded signals.

Step 2 - The distance between the satellite and the GNSS antenna, measured continuously.

The GPS, Galileo, Glonass and Beidou satellites haveatomic clocks that provide extremely accurate dating. The time information is placed in the codes broadcast by the satellite. The GNSS receiver then permanently determines the time at which the signal was broadcast. The signal also contains orbitography data so that the receiver can calculate the location of the satellites. This is known as navigation information.

The GNSS receiver (telephone, topography, agricultural/automotive/aeronautical guidance system, etc.) uses the time difference between the time the signal was received and the time it was broadcast to determine the distance between the receiver and the satellite. The GNSS receiver multiplies the travel time by the speed of light to calculate the receiver/satellite distance.

In this way, a GNSS mobile that receives signals from at least four satellites can pinpoint the precise three-dimensional location of any point within sight of the satellites. To do this, it will use the intersection of these satellite-receiver vectors.

Even in the absence of obstacles, however, there are still significant disturbance factors that require the calculation results to be corrected. The first is the passage through the lower layers of the atmosphere, the troposphere. The presence of humidity and changes in pressure in the troposphere modify therefractive index and therefore the speed and direction of propagation of the satellite signal.

The second disturbance factor is theionosphere. This layer, ionised by solar radiation, modifies the speed of signal propagation. Most receivers incorporate a correction algorithm.

Step 3 - The position is calculated by solving intersection equations between spheres.

The 3rd and final stage is to determine a precise position. The receiver will be able to trilaterate the position from the distance data collected between the GNSS receiver and several satellites.

A GNSS receiver needs a minimum of 4 satellites to be able to calculate its own position. Three satellites will determine latitude, longitude and height. The fourth satellite synchronises the receiver’s internal clock.

To simplify the demonstration, we’re going to use a 2D plane. The principle will be the same when we move on to 3D space. We’ll just replace the circles with spheres.

Let’s assume that the GNSS receiver is 25,000km away from the first given satellite. This means that the GNSS receiver can be anywhere on the 25,000km diameter circle, with the satellite as its centre.

The box will also receive a signal from a second satellite, say 20,000 km away. It will conclude that it is also on this circle. Its exact position will be at the intersection of the two circles, so there are two possibilities.

The example refers to the use of four satellites, but GNSS receivers are capable of tracking many satellites at the same time (stations, topographic, telephone, navigation device, etc.). This improves accuracy, convergence time, coverage and reduces the possibility of errors.

On average, a GNSS receiver such as PYX can pick up 7 satellites in the same constellation (14 satellites on GPS – GALILEO). For centimetric positioning, a minimum of 5 satellites is required.

There are currently 129 active positioning satellites available for civil applications:















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