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TERIA offers you services tailored to your areas of activity.
Discover our NRTK TERIA solutions available via the Internet, TERIAsat, the 100% GNSS satellite solution…


RTK and N-RTK for centimetre-precision positioning in a matter of seconds

TERIA is a precision satellite positioning service. GNSS services allow you to position yourself with metric precision at global level. Our service corrects these signals so that the GNSS receiver provides centimetre-precision positioning in a few seconds using RTK and N-RTK techniques.

To do this, we use standards such as the NTRIP protocol for data exchange and the RTCM format for disseminating corrections. These are available in the Cloud, where our processing servers operate 24/7.

What’s more, our team of technical engineers is on hand to guide you through the installation and use of TERIA services. We are committed to providing you with a telephone customer service based entirely in France, demonstrating our commitment to quality support and essential human contact.

Thanks to its high level of quality and the availability of its technical service, TERIA is an essential tool for all measurement professionals!

.02 TERIAsat

A private satellite link to put an end to “dead zones” thanks to L-BAND

TERIAsat complements the basic TERIA offering by offering to transmit corrections via a private satellite link.

This service corrects GNSS signals to provide centimetre-precision positioning in just a few seconds , using the PPP-RTK (SSR) technique.
The corrections are sent via geostationary satellites and converted to N-RTK in RTCM format, enabling the receiver to work in RTK mode.
Corrections can be received either via an external box, such as the TERIA Terminal, or directly in certain receivers incorporating a TERIAsat-compatible L-Band modem, such as the PYX or DELTO.

The iTERIA Smartphone application provides an augmented reality display of the position of geostationary satellites , making it easy to identify masks.

.03 TERIArinex

Create several virtual databases

The standard format for recording GNSS data for use in post-processing is Rinex. These files enable differential processing of observations made by a GNSS receiver in static or dynamic mode.

TERIA can be used to generate observations for one or more virtual stations, providing a Rinex file with a very large coverage area.

Here are two examples of how these virtual Rinex files can be used:

  • Simulating observations from a pivot station located at the centre of a local site. During a drone survey of a predefined area, it is possible to generate a post-processing pivot for this site.
  • Generate several pivots when taking kinematic measurements over a large geographical area. In the case of mobile mapping, it is possible to generate pivots along the trajectory travelled.


  • PYX solution +
  • PYX solution +
  • PYX solution +
  • PYX solution +
  • PYX solution +
  • PYX solution +
  • PYX solution +
  • PYX solution +


  • Terminal solution +
  • Terminal solution +
  • Terminal solution +
  • Terminal solution +
  • Terminal solution +
  • Terminal solution +
  • Terminal solution +
  • Terminal solution +
+ + + + + + + + + +

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