
  • TERIA at the service of precision agriculture
  • TERIA at the service of precision agriculture
  • TERIA at the service of precision agriculture
  • TERIA at the service of precision agriculture
  • TERIA at the service of precision agriculture

TERIA at the service of precision agriculture

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Precision farming

The concept of precision farming originated in the United States in the 1980s, in response to the need to minimise risks to people and the environment. So what are the challenges of this new approach? What tools are being used? What is TERIA’s contribution?

optimising agricultural production

reduce production costs

have a favourable ecological impact

better ergonomics at work

make better use of crops

Correction systems in precision agriculture

Differential GPS (dGPS) and the SBAS signal: relative precision

DGPS precision enables measurements to be repeated locally, but with an accuracy of several tens of centimetres. The SBAS signal (EGNOS in Europe), on the other hand, provides corrections that are not repeatable over time, except for a short period (15 minutes on average). It is subject to satellite drift (in fact it’s continental drift…), their positioning, their number and the possibility of signal loss.

RTK (Real time Kinematic): absolute precision


Very high precision means you can move from one place to another with no time constraints. RTK provides a more accurate correction than dGPS. There is no signal drift with RTK. This means you can return to exactly the same place during farming operations. Read the article What does RTK mean?

Differential GPS guidance (dGPS)
RTK positioning guidance

Assisted guidance and autoguidance are really necessary because, among other things, they enable..:

  • Reduce or even eliminate overlaps between passages
  • Consistent quality of work, whatever the conditions (fog, night work, hilly terrain, etc.)
  • Saves time compared with marking the lines to be followed (no need for tramlines)

Sources: Arvalis-Institut du végétal / Isère Chamber of Agriculture

What TERIA can do for you every day

What TERIA can do for you every day

Using the RTK technology offered by the TERIA network, you can achieve centimetre accuracy of less than 5 cm in all three dimensions.

Using RTK technology, the TERIA network gives you an accurate determination in less than 10 seconds.

The TERIA network gives you greater availability and measurement stability. This FULL GNSS network (all satellite constellations) means faster determination and better positioning thanks to the multitude of satellites.

Whatever the weather conditions, the constant availability of the TERIA network means you can work at any time of day. (Day or night, in fog…)

The TERIA network provides you with real-time GNSS RTK corrections with centimetre-level accuracy, enabling constant repeatability (returning to the same place every month or even every year).

The TERIA network is 100% GNSS satellite-based. It provides centimetre-precision positioning in just a few seconds using the PPP-RTK technique.

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